
Friday, October 5, 2012

Gibb River Road: Fishing between Saltwater Crocodiles

Yeah i finished the Gibb River Road today. It was pretty tough (for me and the Pajiero) and honestly, I didn’t believe that the paji will make it all the way long that well. But he did :D ! Im now in Kununurra and have to give the paji a little service with oil change. Hopefully that’s all he need. 

Now im sitting in a coffeeshop and just sipped on my caffee late. Beside there is a little piece of chocolate and I munched it immediately. It tastes soo good – I didn’t have chocolate for about one week :D!

Yesterday I stayed at a campground beside the Gibb River Road, and they had a huge area which included a remote area, right to a saltwater river. And it had crocos in there – saltwater crocos :)! The funny thing is, they actually let you camp right beside that river :D! I arrived yesterday there and several times I heard some loud splashes from the river and when I went watching, once I saw a croc hunting a bird! This morning I went fishing at that river. I stood up at 5:30am, so that nobody was awake and could see me fishing, as I knew how newbie like I would handle the rod… haha! Unfortunately, after 2 minutes there was a fish on the hook. I was shocked little bit, cause honestly, I hoped that there wont bite any. I was shocked cause I didn’t know what to do now!!! Last year I was fishing several times in holiday – but just from a boat, and with other people who know what to do. Sooooo there was this fish on the hook today. Whats next ?:)! Of course, kill it! This part I also did while fishing before, but the next parts were absolutely “what the hell now?”! All I could figure out was, that it was a catfish! So I washed it and my next intention was to disembowel it. Then put it on ice and eat it for dinner! Sounds easy :D! Actually, I had to give up at the part “disembowel” it. I did not know how to disembowel a catfish, nor which part of it I can eat. Nor wasn’t I prepared well, as I didn’t have ice anymore in the icebox! The poor end was, that I dumped the dead fish back to the croco-river. That’s a sad story – I know. But now I know that I have to learn much more about fishing than I thought….!
Fishing in a Saltwater Crocodile River

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