
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Darwin: Fishing can be deadly!

Sitting in McDonalds where they dont have power anymore and the whole stuff is sitting full of sweat all around me and is doing nothing…haha! Actually I just wanted a coffee! 

I went fishing in the bay and there was a dam out to the sea, made with big rocks. From there it is good for fishing and so I climbed out there at about 4pm. There i suddenly noticed that the tide is coming in, but I didn’t bother and just kept on fishing. The water got higher and higher and suddenly the way back was under water too and now I got stuck out there on the rocks, while the tide was about one meter bellow me. Thankfully it didn’t come up higher, otherwise I must have swim to the shore in the water where crocs and box-jellyfish were living. I got seriously nervous, cause after the high tide (the water was 7 metres higher than normal) the water didn’t go back so fast and I knew that I will be there for looong time. So it was about 8pm and pitch black dark when the water went back little bit and at least the flooded rocks were visible on the tops. So I tried to climb back slowly meter for meter, with the fishing rod in one hand and the tackle box under the arm. But the shit rocks were so slippery and the waves were strong and I actually fall once between the rocks. Damn, thanks god I was able to grab a rock and to get up again. After this I waited for about another hour until the water went back again little bit and tried it again, cm for cm. It took me about 45 minutes until I reached the shore and I knew, when I make a little wrong step and will slip again, then.. yeah.. no idea what would have been then….

Thankfully I didn’t have my camera with me, cause otherwise it wont working anymore! Even all the fishing hooks I had with me, are now all full of stain and unusable. Also the mobile phone I had there that time, is exploded while it came in contact with the water :D

At the end i came out healthy.. many scratches and a defective mobile phone – but that’s it, thankfully.
The cool thing about this was, that I probably will be on many many pictures! Cause I sat out there fishing the on rock alone, while at about 6:30pm the huge red sun went down at the horizon behind me and lots of tourists wanted to see that from the jetty and the shore..hahaha!!

Tomorrow in early morning I will leave to East Timor.

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