
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sydney: Final destination

I finally arrived in Sydney. The last major challenge for the Pajero is done. Started the last 320

kilometers this morning. The devastation caused by the Superstorm was visible everywhere along the road. Some segments of the road were halfway flooded and trees and other obstacles were about of being removed all along the way. Sometimes complete roads were closed and it caused me to drive 150km's of detours. So it wasnt boring at all and i enjoyed it - it was the last part of my Australian roundtrip. Arrived at about lunch time in Sydney City - perfectly timed to the worst rush hour! Except some clouds and little bit rain, there wasnt any sign of the storm anymore.

Tomorrow i will go to the print shop and get some copies from my Pajero-Advertisment. Its time to sell it. Therefore I will drive to different guesthouses and backpacker hostels, to hang up the advertisments there.

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