
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Vanuatu: A seajourney is fun

I finally arrived in Santo, the biggest island in the north of Vanuatu. Originally I wanted go to the island Malakula, the island below Santo. There are several cannibal sites and also the one, where the last human got munched in 1936. But somehow I found out that when I go to Malakula, then I have to stay there for about 5 days until the next boat comes and brings me to Santo. 5 days! 5 days? 5 days without any proper food like chicken, pork or beef from grill? I had that dilemma already in PNG and it teached me a lot! And one thing I learned was “never ever spend again so many days in a such a lost place”! (no wonder those people became cannibals..hahaha)

The way from Port Vila to Santo with the boat, was also one thing i probably never ever will do again. I knew it is a long long way up here and in worst case it probably will take up to 24 hourse until arrival. At least I sat 27 hours on that fully filled boat. On the boat were no beds. Just chairs. Small, uncomfortable plastic chairs without any paddings. No showers and no drinking water. Ugly smell from the cargo goods and the living pigs and chickens they've transported on the roof. There were big waves and strong winds. The bright lights were always on and the feeling finally finding sleep was like defeating the last big boss in a boring but though video game. That’s a nice list of negative things, isn’t it? But at least they had enough clean toilets and enough toilet paper. Also the view on the stunning passing by islands, were like bonbons that brightened up the journey. And thanks god I came to the idea buying tinned food and water before departure. The best play was brining a bucket of chicken wings from the take-away in Port Vila. Once i grabbed it out of my backpack, everybody in and around 10 meters catched up the delicious smell and some of them set up a look as they want to kill me to get those chicken wings! But I forgot buying bottled water and therefore had to drink the disgusting smells-like-shit water they had there from the tab. No wonder I had to vomit…..

No idea how many days I will spend here in Santo. Probably until Monday and then back to Port Vila. Will go diving here cause dive books say, Santo has with its “SS President Coolidge” one of the best diveable WW2 wreck all over the world.

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