
Friday, September 28, 2012

Broome: Driving 100km without Oil

Now its about 9pm and im already lying in my comfotble bed in the paji, after I had my superduper 350 gramm beef steak from the bbq grill:D.

Well, as said already I had a tough day. I got up at 5:30 too and continued the driving to the next destination, the “80 mile beach”. Yesterday when I was in the mall to get some food, I noticed the discounted fishing gear. And as I didn’t have any fishing gear, I decided to get that stuff to learn how to fish J! Finally I bought a 3.2 metres fishing rod ..haha. They told me it is good for shore fishing. Yeah.. well it was a very cheap one – for 35 dollars. Soo I wonder if I will catch any fish. Therefore my next destination was the 80 mile beach, which is famous for fishing from the shore. 

Actually on the way to there, I got the first troubles with the car. It seemed that somehow it run out of oil, and I noticed about 100 kilometres later, that there is some clicking sound from the front of the car. I didn’t hear it because I had the earplugs in and was listening to music. After figured out that It was definitely the oil which was empty, I had to get some oil immediately. But that wasn’t that easy as at home or in a city. The next gas station was 80 kilometres away.. !!!! So I stopped a car on the street and asked them for some oil! But they didn’t have any and instead they gave me a lift to the next gas station. After buying it, I stopped a car again in the other direction, to get me back to the paji. Thanks god ! It seems that I saved its live in the last moment. By now, 100 km’s further, the car seems again to work pretty well …. Cool, isn’t it :D??

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Exmouth: The desert and the dingo

Its so nice and special just sitting here somewhere outside on my chair beside the car in „i dont know“ outside of any civilization and just had my dinner from my grill.. hmmm. For the first time i had kangarro meat :D! But it was not bad! As expected! Actually it was pretty good! It was like a mixture between deer and beef . My main goal today was driving so close to the next “bigger” city, so that I have again gps connection.. :D. Thankfully I have also very low internet connection. After waking up at 5.30am and having something for breakfast, I detected a few kangaroos about 60metres from me. And two of them where fighting .. maybe they made some jokes about the stupid tourist in the Pajiero and couldn’t decide which joke was better, so they got mad..haha!

Today I drove about 600 kilometres trough the Australian desert and it was damn hot even with a/c in the car. Well yesterday about…

Uiii, right now was a dingo (wild dog) walking beside my car! I just heard something and in the dark I figured out it was something like a dog! I think he was as shocked as I was … I stood up with my notebook and walked with the light of the notebook towards him then he got scared and walked away. Two minutes later he came back from another side. So I did the same and made some noise then he walked away again
… ! Somehow uncomfortable - especially cause there was in the news some time ago, that a german tourist got injured by dingos!

Ok back to writing:D! Nooo, there he is again….

Soo now 10 minutes later, after cleaning my teeth I moved in my sleeping room of the car… :D! Even these dingos are just dogs, I don’t trust them… cause when they hunt in a pack, they go after kangaroos or cows. So I definitely do better in my car :D

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Geraldton: Driving on sand dunes

Right now sitting in McDonalds (yes, again McDonalds, but at least they have WiFi connection) in Geraldton. The last "bigger" city before no-mans land. The mcdonalds will be the last one for the next 1000 or more kilometres. 

The scenery is awesome. I just drove about 500 kilometres to the north from perth, but its already such a stunning view along the coast. As far the eye can see is just beach and white sand hills close to the water. This morning i decided to drive along the beach and it was funny to drive up and down the sand hills in 4wd mode:)

Yesterday i ended up driving into the night, which made me little bit afraid. Everybody told me not to do this because its so dangerous that kangaroos are crossing the streets when its dark. Thankfully nothing happened. Later the evening i stopped somewhere to test my campshower...! Its a shower - or a big bag - which you have to fill with water, hang it up somewhere and turn on the tab. hahaha.. as i didnt have a tree, i had to hang it on the roof of my car and therefore i nearly had to sit on the ground to use the shower... argh.. and it was pretty cold at night combined with the cold freezy coastal wind it wasnt such a pleasure. But at least i was clean afterwards! This was the second night i slept in my car. Its actually very comfortable. Also the waking up beside the beach in the early morning sun is awesome!
Now i have to go to the supermarket and buy some meat to put in my ice filled coolbox. Then i will leave to the Kalbari Nationalpark. Its about 200 km from here....

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Perth: Preparation of the Pajiero

So much happened again here and im glad that I can go to sleep soon! Ive spent nearly the whole day in shopping malls to get all the camping gear and other stuff, which I need for the roadtrip. It was like I had to buy stuff for a new and empty apartment :D! There were so many little things that I didn’t think about on my “things-i-need” checklist, but I recognized what I really need when I walked around the aisles in the mall. And finally im pretty sure, that I forgot a lot of things which I may need when its probably too late …! After I was finished with shopping I parked the car somewhere and started to remove the backseats in the car. It took me 2 stupid hours until I got rid of them and in the end I had to work with a torch and by now I have some bloody wounded fingers..! The backseats are still in my car and somehow I have to think about how I get rid of them completely…J!

Another problem I had to face with the official registration of the car and so on. Because of that the car dealer called me cause he urgently need some documents from me to complete the registration. After I emailed these to him, he called me again that it is not finished yet and that the registration dept wants the original documents. So tomorrow early I have to go there.

Also tomorrow early morning I have to check out from the hostel and from then on, im just with my “driving living room” which isn’t really prepared yet for check in…. :D! Soo tomorrow there waits another huge amount of work for me. Also im not sure yet, if I already will leave Perth tomorrow or if I first should plan all the detailed routes and next destinations carefully! Also I don’t have bought any food yet for the trip, nor do I now where and how I should store them in the car. Argh!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Perth: The car is bought now

I finally bought the car! Its the Mitsubishi Pajiero 4wd, 1994, petrol, inclusive ski roof carrier :D! It was such a stressful day and I started it in the early morning. Originally I wanted to go to Rottnest Island to relax and enjoy the sun, but on the way I called the car dealer for a discount on the car and so therefore I got the discount and so I definitely said I will buy it. But it was so stressful, cause I had to run from one corner to the other. From the bank to the hostel, getting the passport, back to the bank. Rushing from bus station to bus station until I found the right station. To the garage, then back to the hostel and back to the garage. After midday I recognized that I didn’t have anything eaten the whole day. It was 2pm when I finally had the car in my hands and then I straight drove to the next best food court… :D! 

Afterwards I went to IKEA in perth :D! As the car does not have any bed or any kitchen stuff inside, I had to obtain these things. The difficult part in this is, that I somehow have to construct a living room in the car – and this is not easy, especially cause im not a mechanic nor a good in handworking stuffs :D! Well, in ikea I bought a foldable mattress, pillow, a blanket, a little wooden table and other little things. But honestly, if this is somehow going to be a bed finally, then Im a stupid lucky guy with huge amount of luck !

Tomorrow I have to get some camping gear, kitchen stuff, and some electric parts. Its going to be another exhausting but definitely a funny great day :D! Hopefully, also tomorrow, I can start building and constructing my driving living room !

Friday, September 14, 2012

Perth: Searching a car

For the first time since im here in australia, ive eaten so much that my stomach was completely filled! I was in a chinese restaurant and had a plate of a big half of baked duck
with a big pot of rice… it was soooo delicious :D mmmmhhhhh!!! 

I had another tough day with a lot of walking and searching for a car in the hot heat today. There weren’t much cars in the category I was looking for. But I have now a newspaper where lots of advertisements of cars are published – and I contacted already two of them and made appointments for tomorrow and Sunday. Hopefully one of them is somehow useable…….^^

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Melbourne: Cold french fries

Im searching for car offers in Perth right now. I intend to buy a “very” old car with about  
200k or more kilometres. And after the trip I will sell it. So its anyway a better deal to buy and sell it, instead of renting a car, with which all the money will be gone afterwards.
I contacted today someone in Perth who is selling a 4wd car with mattress and lots of camping gear inside. Probably I will take a look on it on Friday.

Today Ive been to the beach in Melbourne which is called St. Kilda. But as it is still very cold, especially when no sun is shining. I walked around a lot again, talked to some locals and just enjoyed the day with several coffees! 

And this evening I had for the first time a beef steak here in Australia. It was delicious but I don’t understand, why by the koala bears, i hardly anywhere can find anything else than French fries, which is always served with meat. Its always French fries, everywhere and everyone wants to sell French fries!!! I think tomorrow Im going to cook by myself something with rice...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Melbourne: The Great Ocean Road

Had some great days with impressive sceneries along the great ocean road. I already saw this road in pictures on the net, but as usually, when being are there by yourself and see this with your own eyes, than its ten levels more impressive. By yesterday evening I was back in Melbourne where I am now :D. Thankfully no accident happened to the car, even several times it was very close. They drive here on the left lane and and two times, after breaks, I didn’t remember this again and drove on the right lane until through the junctions, where suddenly another car came across my lane..! However they are all friendly and took it with a smile and winked me ..:) ! Also entering the car is very “special” and I felt like a clown. As the steering wheel is on the right side, I guess every second time I wanted to get in my car, I entered it from the wrong side….haha!!

Today I was just roaming around in the city and made another tour with the tourist bus to the important sights in the city.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Melbourne: Driving along the Southcoast

So im now lying in a hotel somewhere in Apollo bay in south east of Australia. Its straight at the coast beside the “great ocean road”. Originally Ive planned to get further than just this place today, but I had several “circumstances” until I had the car. Time run me away! Yeah… stupid me… i got up at 7am again to make me on the way to the rental station. It took me about 45 minutes to get there and when I stood at the desk, the guy asked me about my drivers license. Exactly at this moment, I knew it…. What the hell am I thinking? Why am I so stupid? Why did I forget the driving license in the hotel? Damn!! So I had to walk back all the way and come back all the way with the license..! :D!! Well, at least the stunning view along the coast was great so far, even I didn’t see the best parts of the road yet. These will come tomorrow!

Now I have again to plan my schedule for tomorrow and later. Im not sure yet if I should go back to Melbourne city by tomorrow evening…. Hmmm… i'll see!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Melbourne: First Impression

I got out on the street at 7am already and into the main city of Melbourne. Beside using the hopon-hopoff bus, I walked again some kilometers and my conclusion is, that it is a very nice, big, but manageable city with good public transport connections! The more time Im there, the more I like it. And I was stunning how many cultures are living here. So many Asian people. Its like Singapore. Unbeliavable!

Im happy that I can move out from this hostel by tomorrow. Its too noisy in here. I reserved already a car, which I will start driving to the south coast of Australia and visit the “twelve apostels” along the Great Ocean Road.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Melbourne: Arrival in a busy city

I Arrived this morning at 6am in Melbourne after another night in the airplane with just 5 hours of sleep. I went straight to the hostel somewhere in St. Kilda, showered, slept immediately and woke up in the afternoon! Its very hard to find orientation in a new big city and so I decided just to go for a walk direction beach, but I ended up not finding the beach ..:-)! Its getting already dark at 6pm!! (!!??!!?)! My walking session didn’t come to a end and cause I didn’t find a restaurant or something, I had no other choice than going to McDonalds ! After this, I had to walk back and after all I walked about 15 kilometres today…!!

Jet lag is still there and I hope I can sleep well this night. There are lots of teenagers outside drinking lots of beer and shouting while listening to loud music.  Hopefully its getting better tomorrow!

Now I have to search details for tomorrow. Especially how to get around here and what I wanna see etc! Also I have to book a car for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, for my trip to the Great Ocean Road.