
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Welcome to Papua New Guinea

Arrived yesterday in Port moresby and went to the tourist information where met the Muriel, the lady who runs the tourist agency. I spent about one hour there and asked so many questions, which she probably gets asked during one week. It was her office and she closed it earlier, so that afterwards she was able to drop me off at the lutheran guest house. The prices in port moresby are very high compared to other poor countries. I mean even in the supermarket the products are nearly the same price as in australia sometimes, but the people here are 100 times poorer. Also the prices in simple restaurants (which particulary doesnt exist) and take-aways are too high - not to mention the prices of accomodation. So i really wonder how the economical system can work, when the locals have to pay the same prices. But on the other side i dont wonder why there is so much negative energy against the government and sometimes between the locals. The PNG locals i have met until now are unbelieavable friendly. Seriously, i never ever expectet such a friendlyness like that. Especially cause Port Moresby is said to be one of the most dangerous cities in the world. In the guesthouse i met Samuel, he is a pastor and for some days in port moresby. We talked and he invited me to pass by in Mount Hagen, in the Highlands of PNG, to visit him and his family next week.

The two days im now here in PNG, i didnt have once the feeling beeing in a dangerous country. Everybody says PNG is dangerous and you will get robbed and so on, i wondered who PERSONALLY ever got robbed or was in a violent situation here in PNG. Until now, i didnt meet one. To me, those people are some of the friendliest and welcoming people ive ever met.

As there is no road connection from port moresby to another city in png, i took the plane to Lae. Its a city in the eastern province in the mid of PNG and a so called gateway to the further cities like madeng or mount hagen. Here im staying at the lutheran guesthouse and as im a "proud" "catholic church member", i tried to apply for the special rate - and it worked.

The next destination will be Madeng, where im going to dive and afterwards i probably will go to Mount Hagen to visit the highlands. It all depends how fast im able to move on. The buses are not running on fixed times, they just run when a bus is full packed with people - and it can last for several hours.

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