
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cairns: ByeBye Papua

Im fine but tired :D And my eyes burn still little bit from the boat drive on Wednesday.:)

I finally arrived in Cairns today during midday, after a delay of 1 hour by the plane in Port Moresby. In the plane I created a things-to-do list and the first thing on it is getting the car from the service station. Thankfully the car was still there and not stolen or anything. And… tada.. its is also everything alright with the car. A regular service was done and nothing else seems to be wrong.

Right back in the campground, the first thing I did was getting out the bbq grill. I couldn’t await to have the first bite of the delicious fresh bought T-bone steak :D! Now its 10pm and my list of things to do didn’t get much smaller, but im on the best way to achieve it the next days. For example there are tasks like “contacting the crashed-car-man”, “planning-the-next-days-and-weeks”, “washing clothes”, “sorting pictures” and other small but time consuming things.
Im on the same campground as last time,but the amount of campers has increased by nearly 100%. Most of them are japanese campers that look like hippies from 40 years ago :)

Port Moresby
So today morning at the airport in Port Moresby (PNG) I went to Muriels travel agency and showed her the pics ive made the last weeks and months. I spent her a coffee for saying thank you for all the assistance the last two weeks. The informations and help i got from her was incredible! She also told me about her future projects, where she is going to build a guesthouse in the highpotential tourist area "Tufi". I really like that idea and I believe that project is going to be an absolute success!

I also called Samuel the Pastor from Mount Hagen. He was little bit sad about my news that I didn’t have enough time to make it to his place in Mount Hagen. But he said, when I come to PNG next time, Im very welcomed..

One thing i missed in PNG was eating croco meat. I really wanted to taste the croco, but I always forgot to ask the people there, if they have it around. Just yesterday, in Boroko (Port Moresby), I tried to find a store where they sell it. But I didn’t have luck…! Maybe I can do it another day and on another place…

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